This afternoon I had the opportunity to sit for a few hours with one of my dearest friends – to actually occupy one of those tables next to the window at Starbucks, drinking a holiday cinnamon-something coffee and chat. What a lost luxury – if it ever really existed – for two women to sit with a cup of coffee without distractions, looming deadlines or interruptions.
My friend talked about a recent experience where she was exposed to a new definition of transformation as being different from change. And her own transformation was so apparent as she described this to me. Transformation begets change but it has a different end – her shared learning was that change is a two-way street, something comes and something goes. Whereas transformation is much more of a process – change building upon change, always to something better without that obvious trade-off along the way.
I love this insight. And is missing this insight one of the factors that make change so difficult for us? I would not fear transformation, in fact it sounds like a great adventure all on its own. The word itself reminds one of butterflies and sleeping princesses.
I am thankful for this dear friend who not only shared this experience with me, but more importantly, allows me to share in her life as it undergoes transformation. I see her transforming from a woman with years of physician training and medical practice experience to a woman who will impact more than patient care within health care. She is committed to transforming how physicians care for themselves and, as a result, their patients.
In a transformation, whatever is next is always beautiful and wonderful and I can’t wait to see it.