Starting anew


Ed had an interview at a restaurant this week – his first.  ‘Just the kind of high-end, locally sourced kitchen he aspires to.  ‘Not an executive interview, in fact, we were surprised at how very short the process was.  Step 2 is a stage in the kitchen. 

He struggled with his resume – how do you take 20+ years of high-level IT experience, ending with a position as a Chief Technology Officer, and merge it with 2 years of "learning" to cook – i.e. culinary school. 

Not a surprise to anyone who know’s him, he’s been living and breathing culinary arts since day one at CIA in January 2009.  Looking back, more than the 18 month program here in St. Paul, I see that one week of Boot Camp in Hyde Park, NY as the turning point in our lives that began this incredible adventure.

December graduation draws near and there is no talk of returning to IT and I am glad for it.  He is a happy man and I am eating even better than ever. 

(I’m still not allowed to use his special knives, and they continue to be stored in his professional knife tote) 

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